
dealing with debt and a financially irresponsible spouse

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dealing with debt and a financially irresponsible spouse

I am married to a man that isn't exactly financially responsible. When he finds something that he wants, he will do whatever is necessary to buy it. This has caused us a lot of debt over the years. What can you do when you are married to someone that doesn't take being in debt seriously? How do you approach him or her about their spending habits? I have worked with a financial professional to learn how to manage my money, how to discuss our money problems with my husband and to learn how to reduce my debt as quickly as possible. Find all this information and more here on my blog.


A Guide to Estate Sale Liquidations

Estate sale liquidations can be a complex and emotional process, particularly when they follow the passing of a loved one. However, they can also be an effective way to rehome valuable possessions and derive some financial benefit from items that would otherwise collect dust. This guide aims to demystify estate sale liquidations, providing you with the essential information to navigate this process smoothly and effectively. What Is an Estate Sale? Read More 

Evaluating Home Financing Options: Home Loans Vs. Alternatives

While the dream of homeownership is common, the path to achieving it varies greatly. One of the most significant decisions involves financing. Should one opt for a traditional home loan or consider other options?  Understanding Home Loans A home loan, also known as a mortgage, is a financial product that enables individuals to purchase a home by borrowing money from a lender and repaying it over a specified period. Advantages of Home Loans Read More 

Understanding Home Loan Terms: A Glossary For Homebuyers

Buying a home is a significant investment that requires thorough research and understanding. One of the most crucial aspects of the home-buying process is understanding home loan terms. With the number of loan options available to homebuyers, it's easy to become overwhelmed and confused by the different terms and jargon used by lenders. Failing to comprehend the terms can lead to paying more than necessary or make it difficult to manage your finances. Read More 

Mortgage Options For Low-Income Homebuyers

If you have a modest income that does not provide you with the opportunity to save much money each pay period, purchasing a home may seem out of your reach. Fortunately, there are some mortgage programs that are geared toward low-income applicants. Review some government programs that work with local lenders below. USDA Mortgages The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) offers a loan program to those who are seeking home ownership in a rural area. Read More 

Raising Capital For Your Private Equity Fund One Step At A Time

Private equity funds are generally a profitable investment, but you have to come up with the capital before you can get one started. If you don't have the private funds to start your own private equity fund on your own, there are ways you can raise the capital to do so.  From angel investors to putting in your own capital, you want to be clear about the project you are creating in order to be a successful fund manager. Read More