
dealing with debt and a financially irresponsible spouse

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dealing with debt and a financially irresponsible spouse

I am married to a man that isn't exactly financially responsible. When he finds something that he wants, he will do whatever is necessary to buy it. This has caused us a lot of debt over the years. What can you do when you are married to someone that doesn't take being in debt seriously? How do you approach him or her about their spending habits? I have worked with a financial professional to learn how to manage my money, how to discuss our money problems with my husband and to learn how to reduce my debt as quickly as possible. Find all this information and more here on my blog.


5 Reasons You Should Start Collecting Coins

If you're like most people, you probably don't give coin collecting much thought. However, if you're looking for both a hobby and a potential investment vehicle, coin collecting might be right for you. Here's a look at five reasons to start collecting today.  1. Coin Collecting Is Fun Developing any new hobby is always exciting, but when you start collecting coins, it feels as though you're on a never-ending treasure hunt. Read More 

Helpful Tips For Posting Bond After Being Arrested For Domestic Violence

If you find yourself in a situation in which you are arrested for domestic violence, one of the first things that you may want to do is to post bail so that you can go home. If you've never been arrested before, or at least, if you have never been arrested for domestic violence, then you might be wondering about the process of getting out of jail. These tips can help you out a lot if you find yourself in this challenging situation. Read More